The Miracle Campus: Our Amazing God Story!

The Miracle Campus: Our Amazing God Story!

Chad Christiansen Founder and Executive Director, In The Gap God has blessed In The Gap with a new campus! It has been a long journey, and a crazy series of miracles, but at last on December 12th, we purchased the property! We want to share the story with you and give...
Changing a Community

Changing a Community

Joy Roberts Guest Post Joy is an In The Gap Alumnus with a passion for people, God’s Kingdom, and Chick-Fil-A. She came through In The Gap as a student for 3 sessions in 2014-2015. Now she runs a blog, works at Chick-Fil-A, and teaches character education at an...
Hope, Despite the Nightmare

Hope, Despite the Nightmare

I woke up, looked around, and realized there was no one in our room. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the cafeteria just to realize that breakfast was being put away, and so was the lunch I needed to pack. I ran into the prop room and realized that I had no...