Emily Morgan

Emily Morgan serves as the In The Gap Kids Coordinator and oversees content creation and production.  She is passionate to equip children to answer hard questions and build a solid foundation of truth. Emily continually strives for excellence and pushes things forward to impact children more effectively with the gospel’s truth.

Ezra Creighton

“As the oldest of six, I have been around kids most of my life. But while I enjoyed kids, I didn’t have plans to work with them before coming to In The Gap. It was during the first few months I was here that God gave me a heart for kids and opened my eyes to the needs of the next generation.”

Matthew 18:14 says “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Sadly, there are so many children who haven’t heard about God and who don’t know what the Bible says is true. But by getting to be here at In The Gap and making videos for In The Gap Kids, I am excited that I have the opportunity to not only make a difference in the lives of children here in Oklahoma City, but also to reach kids across the country and even around the world.


In The Gap Kids Coordinator, In The Gap

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