Follow God’s plan with clarity, confidence, and courage.
Have you ever wondered?
Do you worry about your future or wonder if you’re really doing what God wants you to do? Are you concerned about missing God’s will for your life or completely going against His will? This course goes deeper than just learning how to get an answer from God, but will guide you into knowing Him on a personal level so you can begin experiencing the dynamic Christain life! You’ll dive into a deeper understanding of God’s character, His pursuit of you, how He wired you, how to discern what His will truly is, and how to live an exciting faith-filled life.

Why does it matter?
God wants you and me to walk in His will all of the time—because when we’re walking in His will we are in the “sweet spot” which allows us to experience His blessings, direction, fulfillment, joy, and peace regardless of what is taking place in the world around us. But—what I expected to be a destination of “finding His will” actually turned out to be a journey of learning to walk with God every day.
By the end of this course you won’t be left in the fog on trying to figure out what God’s will is. You will have clear, actionable steps on how to live life with confidence because you are walking exactly where God wants you to be—and will have the opportunity to live out the amazing life that He has laid out for you to live.

Find Direction
Why did God make me like this? Does God really care about me and my future? What does God want me to do with my life? Learn how to find answers to life’s hard questions. The six dynamic video sessions will give you an in depth perspective of how you can discover God’s will for your life.

Grow in Relationship
This course will help you go further than just learning how to get an answer from God. The companion workbook will help guide you into knowing Him on a personal level so you can begin experiencing the dynamic Christian life!

Walk Confidently
You can know that you are walking exactly where God wants you to be. Over the course of this study you will learn clear, actionable steps on how to live life with confidence. You can live out the amazing plan that He has created you to live.

Join Discovering God’s Will Course Today!
Learn how to find answers to life’s hard questions. The six dynamic video sessions will give you an in depth perspective of how you can discover God’s will for your life. You can know that you are walking exactly where God wants you to be. Over the course of this study you will learn clear, actionable steps on how to live life with confidence. You can live out the amazing plan that He has created you to live.
Is it really possible?
As we get to know God on a deeper level we will understand more of His plan for our lives. But just like any relationship, it takes time. You can learn how to strengthen your relationship with God and understand more of what He is doing in your life and the world around you.