Gabriella Wenzel

Gabriella serves as the Communication Director for In The Gap. She supervises correspondence with our prayer partners and supporters. Gabriella desires to do all for the glory of God.

”I am from Minnesota and I am the fifth born of eight in my family. I enjoy photography, art, musical instruments, reading, writing, exploring the outdoors, and all things nature, especially the sky. My excitement about children’s ministry started with spending time with my siblings, niece & nephews, and grew through various ministry opportunities I’ve been able to participate in over the years. 


I am excited about inspiring others to chase after the One I love, sharing the power of the cross with those around me, and seeing His kingdom come on earth as in heaven. One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 30:15, “In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.”


Communication Director, In The Gap

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