The Prayer

“Lord, please bring 1,000 children to Bible Clubs during Operation Impact this year.” With this prayer, we launched into OI 2024. In 2023, God brought 755 children which was the most to date. But as we tracked the numbers near the end of OI 2024, reaching 1,000 children seemed unrealistic. 

While numbers are not the focus of what we do, I can just imagine the joy it brings our Savior as hundreds and hundreds of children run to hear the gospel, some to hear it for the very first time! I can also imagine the joy He receives as He watches His church being His hands and feet to the children He bids to come to Him. Matthew 18:5 is very clear about the value Jesus places on loving children: “Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.”


The Need

This year, God brought 81 young people to receive training and then deploy into the city, bringing the gospel to children.

Heather Bielefeldt, one of our first-time Summer Missionaries shared this about her experience:

“I saw God begin the work of showing me how important the gospel of Jesus Christ really is! It is THE single most important decision of any person’s life, and I’m grateful God allowed me to be a part of OI and help reach the community of OKC with the gospel!”

It doesn’t take long for these missionaries to be hit with the reality of the need. It is hard to think that Oklahoma, the “buckle of the Bible belt,” has so many children in physical and spiritual poverty.

Throughout their time here, the Summer Missionaries realize they can have one of two responses: taking the weight of the hurt, poverty, and hopelessness on themselves and becoming discouraged and overwhelmed; or bring it to the hands of their heavenly Father, trusting in His faithfulness.

 The gospel takes on a whole new depth when these young people see a child with such a hard life find in Jesus what they have been looking for the whole time: peace, hope, joy, and love. They get to watch the love of the Father being poured into these little ones as He receives them into the Kingdom.

 Abigail, a 17-year-old Summer Missionary, shared this story about how she got to see the power of the gospel at work in a young girl’s life:

 “There was one little girl at my 2nd Club who was so attentive and engaged with the lesson, and at the end of the lesson on Friday, she said she wanted to know how to give her life to Jesus. I was able to walk her through the gospel flash cards through a translator. Despite numerous distractions around us, she was so focused, even inviting one of her friends to join her. He didn’t, but she gave her life to Jesus that day and I was so inspired by her eagerness to know Jesus. And even though she was young (maybe only 5 or 6), she knew exactly what she was doing and was very serious about her decision. It was so cool to see!” 

Our prayers were answered: Over 1,065 children came to OI 2024! Additionally, 455 Bibles passed out, and 61 children put their faith in Jesus.

We are thrilled to prepare for OI 2025 and see what God has in store! Thank you for your prayers and support!