A world of darkness surrounds the schools. A world I have no experience in. On this certain Tuesday morning, at recess, I caught a brief glance into the dark world many of the children are living in. I sat down on a swing next to a fourth grade girl who was by herself. She began telling me about how she was being bullied, and how she would soon be changing schools as a result. Then she began to tell me that she had a baby sibling on the way. When I asked her if she was excited about becoming a big sister she said, “No.” I ask her “why not?” and she said it was because her sibling would be bullied. She didn’t want that to happen to her sibling, and therefore didn’t want her sibling to be born. She then began telling me how she had stood up for a friend who was being bullied, and ended up getting attacked by the bullies, with the end resulting in her being hospitalized. One glance into that world of darkness broke my heart. These children have no light of hope. They don’t know how God could change their world of darkness into a
world of light. God used that to give me the desire to show those children lost in a dark world the hope, and light of Jesus. I want to be one of the ones used to chase away the darkness, and bring these children light, and show them the reason to live — Jesus!
-Kristina Dzimianski