“Oh yes, I’m only planning on coming for Level 1 of In The Gap!” That is what I told everyone when I first came to In The Gap last Fall session. God had different plans, though.

I believe it was during Level 1 of In The Gap training week that I felt God prompting me to pray about possibly coming back to work with kids for the next session. One of the first things I told God was that I didn’t have enough money for it. And since I didn’t have enough money, I obviously wouldn’t be able to come back to In The Gap.

I prayed a lot about it and I definitely believed that God was leading me in the direction of coming back. I remember that one day I was talking with one of my friends about the possibility of returning to Oklahoma and she said, “Hey, wouldn’t it be really cool if God just prompted someone to send you a check in the mail and it would be enough for you to sign up for the Winter session?”

“Yeah, it would be really neat. But who would send me that kind of money?” I replied.

We had gone out for pizza the night that I had talked to my friend about it. Well, we got back to our “home away from home” and one of the first things I did was go and check my mailbox. Guess what? My sister had decided to support me and had sent me most of the money I needed! I could scarcely believe it. I was so very excited and thankful! It truly was a direct answer to prayer!

After I came home, I was able to get the rest of the money for the session through a discount for level 2, earning some money, and generous gifts from friends and family.

I am encouraged at how God answered my prayers and how He miraculously provided the money I needed to come back here. And I’m also very thankful to the people whom God used to bless me with their generosity.

It was so amazing to see God’s clear direction for me to come back for Level 2 & 3 of In The Gap. I’m so excited to be here, and I’m thrilled to be a part of what God is doing this session!

Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

Rachel Mitton

Level 3